Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Death of Media

This year I found election news had changed dramatically.  In the past the media reported each parties differing positions, highlighted how the Presidential candidates differed in their vision of their parties official position and then analyzed how each might affect America.  This year, none of this happened.

I had discussions with people that supported both the Republicans and Democrats to see what each person felt about the OFFICIAL agenda which is laid out at each party’s convention in documents named The Republican Platform and The Democratic Platform.  In reality this is what the election is about, what each party intends to accomplish when in power.  Who becomes President, although important is more of a sideline as it is the party that dictates where the country will go.

Now this is striking.  I asked each person what they liked about each party platform and 100% HAD NOT READ ANY OF IT!  100%..... this is more than astonishing, its unfathomable!  Voters cast their sovereign choice for who will lead this country and NONE of them knew what they were really voting for.  This is an unprecedented outbreak of willful ignorance!  But what caused this systemic rash of idiocy in our electorate?  Although I personally feel we, as Americans must take responsibility for being informed, powerful forces were at work.

It was the Media and who really is behind the Media that is calling the shots, plain and simple.  Rather than do their job and report on the “meat” of each party’s intent, the Media was manipulated into covering the “personalities” of the presidential candidates OR they knowingly chose to chase ratings by adopting a Reality Show attitude toward sound bites and Breaking News.  Which is true?  I do not know, maybe it is a bit of both.  Practically it is both and we bit hard into intellectual destruction by being seduced by the shiny light of Reality TV Election 2016.

The bottom line is that most of the Media proved itself to be staggeringly gullible to manipulation.  It was a combination of the highly skilled candidates, other countries, fake news outlets, powerful PAC’s etc.  that used the Media like I have never imagined.  Never have I seen the Media line up to kiss the ass or stab the back of the candidates and their blatant PR machines RATHER than report on what each party actually stood for then correlate if it related to the candidates rhetoric.  This is the real “fact checking”.  Did the presidential candidate really support the party line or were they just coming up with stuff that whipped people into a frenzy to grab more Media attention and better coverage.  That is what proved irresistible to the impressionable reality show Americans and the media took notice.

So it got worse.  The Media found that it was MUCH more profitable to over-report on “potential” problems for the presidential candidates and contribute to the media circus which played into the hands of each party’s PR department.  OMG, did he really pussy grab, did she know about Bengazi, did he really think we’re being overrun by Islamic terrorists and did she email something traitorous about America?  It was a rabid desire for sensationalism WE CHOSE so the Media in their quest for cash and ratings complied and changed forever the landscape of a former Free Nation.  As of today, I do mean former. Let’s see what America has up its sleeve.  Will it allow the destruction of our Democratic principles?  Or is this truly the Death of Media, and our nation.

1 comment:

  1. You've got it right, Phil. It's frightening, actually. I only hope we aren't too far down the road to be able to all come together to work as one country to solve our problems instead of focusing on our divisiveness.
